Wednesday, September 10, 2008

OUR First Major Lesson...

Well yesterday was our 2nd day of our 3rd week. So far had been so good. Yesterday we encounter our first significant road block. I have to undo something that has been engrained in him after years of private schooling. No small task I must say. I had to sit down and evaluate what was going wrong. A few hours and a frustrated child it was homework last year all over. This was not my intention whatsoever. So I "put on my thinking cap" and evaluated what was taking place. He was doing Reading workbook, not his favorite and getting a bit testy and wanting to distract himself by any means necessary. So what was going on, what was making me crazy by telling him to get back to his work, stop dawdling and finish his workbook? Then it hit me, a very important thing I had somewhat overlooked. Homeschooling is tougher! That's it homeschooling is tougher. Unless you have more then 1 student doing the same work there is only ONE student to answer the question. No one to bail them out when they are wrong. They must keep searching for the correct answer. When doing a worksheet there isn't someone checking off in red pen, handing it back to you while telling you to pull out the next subject. There is someone correcting your paper and telling you to grab your book out again to find the correct answers and figure out what they are no matter how long it takes. We aren't settling for 2nd or 3rd best here we are here to make our children the best that they can be and pushing them to learn. We are showing them the feeling of an accomplishment. When the paper is correct and you completely understand what we were doing then we will move on.

We are not bound by the time restraints of "the system". We are not bound by the lowest common denominator in the class. We are simply bound by the limits we choose to put on ourselves and the limits we have choosen are there are no limits. My children will learn continuously throughout the day whether we are counting the legally bound days or hours of the system, or whether we are out for a day of bargain shopping and learning the fundamentals of saving money and being wise with our earnings.

So yes reading may take us 3 hours today, but what amount of time will he save in the years to come when he learns what he needs to and can absorb the necessary information the first time around? Besides here he got a hug from mom and a kiss telling him that while I understood his frustrations I could promise him that it was for his benefit and that with time and practice it will all get easier. The benefits are going to be astounding and I was proud of him for sticking to it despite the difficulties.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Civil War Days

This past weekend we attended Civil War Days at Thunder Valley Stables in McKean, PA and it was a great time. Tyler loved the reenactment and purchased some pewter civil war figurines for his collection and also purchased a rifle cap gun which he LOVES, boys and their guns (though Kyleigh loves it too).

Our Curriculum has Been Choosen

Well it's been a bit (long) since I've posted anything here and I figured it was about time that I did. We have picked the curriculum that we will be using this year for our very first year of homeschooling. We are using a mixture of several different curriculums. We are using Saxon for math, Rod and Staff for English, Spelling, Health and Reading, Apologia for Science and Beautiful Feet for History and Classical Music study. Everything is in except for Beautiful Feet which should arrive sometimes this week. I get so excited everytime we get a new box of stuff. We've been collecting supplies for the various experiments and art projects we are going to be doing. I'm so excited to begin this grand adventure with the kids and to learn right along side.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Socialization - For Anti-Homeschooling People

I received this in a myspace bulletin and thought it was worth sharing. It is copied and pasted in the entirety in which it was received...

I was forwarded this atricle by my OHVA (Ohio Virtual Academy) teacher. I think it is great! Would be a great answer to all those people who ask us homeschoolers about "socialization".

When my wife and I mention we are strongly considering home schooling our children, we are without fail asked, "But what about socialization?" Fortunately, we found a way our kids can receive the same socialization that government schools provide.

On Mondays and Wednesdays, I will personally corner my son in the bathroom, give him a wedgie and take his lunch money.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, my wife will make sure to tease our children for not being in the "in" crowd, taking special care to poke fun of any physical abnormalities.

Fridays will be "Fad and Peer Pressure Day." We will all compete to see who has the coolest toys, most expensive clothes and the loudest, fastest and most dangerous car.

Every day, my wife and I will adhere to a routine of cursing and swearing in the hall and mentioning our weekend exploits with alcohol and immorality. If our kids attempt to use the bathroom without permission, we will punish them immediately.

And we have asked them to report us to the authorities in the event we mention faith, religion or try to bring up morals and values."

Check out my Slide Show!