Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Civil War Days

This past weekend we attended Civil War Days at Thunder Valley Stables in McKean, PA and it was a great time. Tyler loved the reenactment and purchased some pewter civil war figurines for his collection and also purchased a rifle cap gun which he LOVES, boys and their guns (though Kyleigh loves it too).

Our Curriculum has Been Choosen

Well it's been a bit (long) since I've posted anything here and I figured it was about time that I did. We have picked the curriculum that we will be using this year for our very first year of homeschooling. We are using a mixture of several different curriculums. We are using Saxon for math, Rod and Staff for English, Spelling, Health and Reading, Apologia for Science and Beautiful Feet for History and Classical Music study. Everything is in except for Beautiful Feet which should arrive sometimes this week. I get so excited everytime we get a new box of stuff. We've been collecting supplies for the various experiments and art projects we are going to be doing. I'm so excited to begin this grand adventure with the kids and to learn right along side.